Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Sports Physicals Sign-ups for 2022 – 2023 School Year


Elementary Parent Needs Assessment Survey

Dear Parents, As part of our Title I School-wide Program, Commodore Perry Elementary School must complete a comprehensive needs assessment to help guide us in developing our school-wide plan. The…

Flexible Instruction Explanation Letter

FID – letter of explanation 2-02-22

Requirements and Procedures Paid and Non paid coaching postions

Updated coaching requirements and procedures

Act 66 Information of 2021

Act 66 Information of 2021

Emergency Broadband Benefit

The Federal Communications Commission has launched a temporary program to help families and households struggling to afford Internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emergency Broadband Benefit provides a discount…

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Register for the 2021-2022 school year has begun. Please click on the link to see what you need to do to get your child registered for Kindergarten.

K-12 Student Voluntary Accident Insurance

Commodore Perry SD Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Enrollment Form  


Panther Broadcasting – Please subscribe to our own YouTube Channel

Title I Needs Assessment for Parents

Please click on the link below to complete the Title I Needs Assessment: Title I Needs Assessment for Parents