The PA Academic Review site offers Pennsylvania citizens the opportunity to provide feedback on the Eligible Content – the know and do statements that define the testing parameters in Mathematics…
A Commodore Perry Elementary School Wide Positive Behavior Assembly was held today. If you would like to view the assembly please click on the link below. The link is also…
Off campus evacuation and high school parent portal
Parents now can access the Commodore Perry PTO website through the school’s website. The link can be found under the Parents Menu.
As of Monday, 9/8, the following update to the dress code will be implemented. Form-fitting pants are prohibited. This includes leggings and tights that are not worn under another garment…
Good evening, This is Kim Zippie, Superintendent of the Commodore Perry School District. As we look forward to our students arriving for our first day of school tomorrow, I want…
For information about the first day of school please click on the file below to read information about the first day of school. You also can see the letter from…
There is a new procedure for applying for free and reduced lunches. Please click on the link below to begin the online application for Free and Reduced Lunches. You can…
by M. Lawhon
Commodore Perry now we sing, Highest tribute to thee we bring. Gratefully we sing thy praise, As our voices now we raise. Glory, honor, all for thee, Truth, fidelity. Wisdom, courage, loyalty, Hail to thee, hail to thee.
3002 Perry Highway
Hadley, PA 16130
724.253.3255 – District Office
724.253.2232 – High School
724.253.2025 – Elementary
724.253.3467 – District Office
724.253.2951 – High School
724.253.4691 – Elementary
All materials posted on this site are the property of the Commodore Perry School District unless otherwise posted. Copyright © 1955-2024.
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