Special Education

Special Education Coordinator –

James DeSantis


PaTTAN – Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network 

The IEP Team

CP School District 2023 -2024 Annual Public Notice of Special Education Services and Programs


Support Class Types

The Commodore Perry School District operates the following types of classes for special needs students:

  1. Learning Support Class – for children whose greatest need is for help in academic areas such as reading and math.
  2. Emotional Support Class – for children whose greatest need is for social, emotional and behavioral help.
  3. Autism Support – Students with social and sensory issues.
  4. Speech and Language Support Class – for children who have difficulty speaking and communicating.
  5. Gifted Support Class – for students who are mentally gifted.


The following types of placements can be made available for student if the MPT team decides that this type of class is needed:

bullet Sensory Support Skills Class – for children who require help in dealing with visual or hearing problems.
bullet Physical Support Class – for children who need programs that consider their physical disabilities.
bullet Autism Support Class – for non-verbal children on the autism spectrum
bullet Multi-handicapped Support Class – for children with more than one disability, the combination of which results in needs requiring many services and much support.



(Individual Education Program)

The IEP team determines whether a child is exceptional and in need of special education.  The team designs the student’s program and determines where needs will be addressed.

The team then develops the IEP that maximizes the student’s education with regular education students.


Key IEP/GIEP Components:

bullet Parental involvement
bullet Regular teacher input
bullet Present levels of academic performance
bullet Learning strengths and needs
bullet Special goals/objectives to meet needs
bullet Modifications to instructional and curriculum
bullet Related services


Elementary Screening Process

Our school has a three-part screening process in place that identifies students who may need special education.

Level 1 Screening, the school reviews student records including attendance and report cards.
Level 2 Screening, the school looks at the student’s speech and language, vision, hearing and motor skills.
Level 3 Screening, involves the Instructional Support Team (IST) process. It looks at progress in your child’s classroom and tries some different teaching techniques and materials to see if your child’s work or behavior improves.